Review your shopping cart and make any changes.You will be directed to sign in or create an account and then proceed to the shopping cart. You can also get the full version by opening a downloaded trial game and clicking the Buy the Full Version Now button.Find a Mac game you'd like to purchase and click the Buy It button.Sign in or create a free Big Fish Games account.Click on Play Now to begin playing your game.The full game will then download and install directly to your Game Manager.Firefox users: Press CMD + J or click Tools > Downloads to open your downloads folder.Safari users: Press CMD + Option + L or click Window > Downloads to open your downloads folder.If the game stub isn't found on your desktop, it might be in your downloads folder: Double-click the game stub to start downloading the full game.Find a Mac game you'd like to play and click Try It.You can also purchase from a downloaded trial game. You can download and purchase Mac games directly from the website. How do I download a trial or purchase a full version Mac game?